In 5 days, the conference on Information Technology Security (BIT St. Petersburg 2020) will take place in the Northern capital. The IX meeting will be devoted to information security and cybersecurity issues, the focus of attention will be on the discussion of CII and the implementation of the requirements of 187-FZ.
By tradition, Victor Minin (Chairman of the Board of ACISO) will deliver a welcoming speech and present a plenary report for the current year. In two sections (trends, practice), leading experts in the field of cybersecurity will share their experience. Among them, Natalia Manuylova (Chief Compliance Officer SICP) - Cryptocompliance for the security of CII, Alexander Podobnykh (CISO SICP, Special Development Department of Technopark St. Petersburg) - Digital financial assets and CII subjects, as well as other respected experts.
The conference will be held on October 15, in compliance with the requirements aimed at preventing the spread of the new coronavirus infection...
Source: BIT-Aciso